Friday, June 14, 2013


So this weekend we did Amsterdam and it was a pretty wild trip. We decided last second to go, booked a flight and rushed to the airport. Unfortunately, you have to be there 45 minutes before your flight leaves to pass security so we missed our flight and got on the next one out. Even though that was a bummer it wasn't going to stop us from having some fun. We were lucky enough to stay with a friend of a friend and did a little couch surfing. Since it was so last second we really didn't know exactly what we were getting ourselves into and boy did we find out fast. I knew the dutch took pride in their language but I had no clue how much. English was rare to see and everything was in Dutch for the most part. All of the street signs and everyone spoke Dutch. It was something else to see the people speak that language and it reminded me a lot of German with a twist to it.

We got there at the perfect timing because apparently the weather in Netherlands is very erratic and to get a full day of sun shine is a rare thing. So when we got there it was the first full day of sun that the Dutch had seen in a long time. Everyone was outside having a beer and enjoying the beautiful weather which was quite a sight to see! Everyone really had a pride in the Netherlands and for where they are from. It reminded me of a huge block party where all of the families come out to drink and talk about what's new in their lives and in the world. They call it the Venice of the North for a reason because there were canals everywhere we looked. The first night we were extremely excited and went to a club called Trouw. Trouw was previously a newspaper company but they changed it into a club so the inside was like something i've never seen before. The next day we took in the sunlight and walked around Amsterdam for a couple of hours. It is pretty small if you are walking but I had no clue exactly how much walking we would do and I definitely didn't bring the right footwear for the trip.


One of the coolest/raunchiest things we did was go to the redlight district and see all of the woman. It was nuts just how they stood in the windows and called to men walking by. I knew what to expect going there but I was still shocked when I saw them calling out to me haha. I think everyone needs to go there and really experience what that is all about.

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