Thursday, May 30, 2013

Roman Bath

We went to the Roman Baths today for the second time after seeing Stonehenge and it was a lot more entertaining the second time. It was pouring but like the London rain always is it stopped after a couple of minutes. We had some time before our tour so we were able to walk around and get some food. The surrounding area around the baths was very beautiful and I actually had my first caramelized apple. Very surprising i've never had one before but it tasted just like I thought it would. It was good but a little too much for me since it had chocolate sprinkles on it also. The bath definitely has an element of culture borrowing because of how the Romans came to England and were able to bring their culture all the way over to here. It looks just like somewhere you would find in Rome which makes it that much cooler. You feel like you left England for a couple hours and traveled to Italy. Seeing the baths again made me want to travel to Italy that much more. The baths also had an element of class because of the different things that went on at the baths. The higher your class and money you had the better service you received. For example massages were given here and the wealthier people had better amenities like softer linen or better massages. It was an awesome day trip and I can't wait to go back!

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